Image AlchemistIA-logo-icon-360px

An alchemist transforms matter, like lead, into gold. These transformations are performed with special knowledge, formulas, and skills. This gives alchemists a sense of mystery.


Like alchemists, photographers have been creating images out of nothing in their darkrooms with the help of chemical formulas and their unique skills.

From Idea To Vision

Today, photographers are still alchemists, even in the digital area where chemicals are exchanged for mathematical formulas, known as software and algorithms. A photographer transforms an idea into a vision, materialized into an image. What he needs, apart from his skills, is the right tool.

capture one 11 iconCapture One Pro

Capture One, professional raw workflow software by Phase One, is a unique tool for transformation. I feel like an image alchemist with this tool, and so is every photographer who uses it. That is why I call this website the Image Alchemist.

Both Ways

The transformation also works the other way round: when you understand the software, it works for you. Due to understanding its formulas, magic will happen in your pictures! That is the importance of training and understanding and the reason for this site’s existence.

Paul SteunebrinkImage Alchemist Capture One

The Image Alchemist is my alter ego, and I use it on this website to collect, present and share knowledge with any other alchemist interested in the same chemistry. From the obvious to the most profound secret, nothing remains untold.


After years of using Capture One, training individual users and groups, beta testing new versions, becoming certified, writing Capture One blogs, and on user forums, I decided to create my own virtual space and perform some magic.


The primary focus here is on Capture One throughout the entire website and, as a result, unique in its kind on the web. Thanks to but notwithstanding my excellent relationship with its manufacturer, this website is an independent source of information.

IA-logo-icon-360pxVisionary > Transforming > Inspiring

The Image Alchemist and its logo refer to my primary skills, which I put to work here. As a visionary I operate from an excellent overview in both width and depth, where I collect my knowledge. I transform experience into wisdom, and by transferring the learning to others, I hope to inspire.

Enjoy Capturing, enjoy Capture One, enjoy Image Alchemist.

Paul Steunebrink / Image Alchemist

backyard photographer, writer, Capture One beta tester