![Levels tool, RGB, shop](https://imagealchemist.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/CO-MacR-LevelsRGB-shop-495x308.png)
Capture One Levels RGB
Set of 115 presets in 5 folders
![Capture One Noise Reduction tool (EN)](https://imagealchemist.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/CO-MacR-EN-NoiseReduction-Trial-495x308.png)
Capture One Noise Reduction
Set of 44 presets in 4 folders
Capture One Exposure
Set of 105 presets in 4 folders
![high dynamic range tool, capture one pro 20 review](https://imagealchemist.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/CO-MacR-HDR-CO20-728x308-495x308.png)
Capture One HDR
Set of 63 presets in 3 folders
![Capture One Clarity tool (EN)](https://imagealchemist.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/CO-MacR-EN-Clarity-Trial-495x308.png)
Capture One Clarity
Set of 207 presets in 11 folders
![Capture One Film Grain tool (EN)](https://imagealchemist.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/CO-MacR-EN-FilmGrain-Trial-495x308.png)
Capture One Film Grain
Set of 55 presets in 4 folders
Capture One Vignetting
Set of 129 presets in 3 folders