pre-configured adjustment or set of adjustments; a preset can contain adjustments of a single tool only


Bouwhuis building, NL

Capture One Presets

Capture One Presets are the building blocks of a professional's workflow
adjustments in-depth

Adjustments In-Depth (part 2)

With Presets and Styles you have sophisticated ways to adjust your images
adjustments in-depth

Adjustments In-Depth (part 1)

With Presets and Styles you have sophisticated ways to adjust your images
adjustments continued

Adjustments Continued

Copying adjustments, simultaneously adjusting images
Final result of image after all adjustments are set

Create your Atmosphere with Curves

With the Curve tool you create your own atmosphere
bright and brilliant images with levels tool

Bright and Brilliant Images with Levels Tool

Create bright and brilliant images with Levels