a capability or feature that in general is characteristic for Capture One, how it works or its feature set; understanding general features helps to overall understand Capture One better and its specific features

capture one workspace, windmill from stompwijk, the netherlands

Capture One Workspace

Adapt the Capture One Workspace to your workflow
stacking capture one presets, capture one pro 10

Stacking Capture One Presets

Stack presets and discover their magical powers
flower in close-up

Installing Presets And Styles

Install Presets and Styles in the designated folder
Bouwhuis building, NL

Capture One Presets

Capture One Presets are the building blocks of a professional's workflow
capture one styles

Capture One Styles

With a Style you combine settings from different tools
variants explained

Capture One Variants

Learn about the Primary, New, Clone, and Compare Variants