intermediate level tutorial

base characteristics, milano galleria

Capture One Base Characteristics

Get to know the often overlooked but most significant tool
capture one tethering continued

Capture One Tethering Continued

Live View, remote camera control and automatic prolongate adjustments
capture one preferences, tree branch in water

Capture One Preferences (part 3)

Your reference to the Capture One Preferences (part 3)
capture one preferences, pink rose

Capture One Preferences (part 1)

Your reference to the Capture One Preferences (part 1)
backup your catalog, man skating, red coat

Backup Your Catalog

Backup your catalog database frequently
flower in close-up

Installing Presets And Styles

Install Presets and Styles in the designated folder
harbour at Taarbæk, Copenhagen, Denmark

Capture One Curve (part 1)

Create the right atmosphere with the Curve tool; make Curve easier with presets
With wife and dogs on the beach

Capture One Levels (part 2)

Set your Target Levels, configure Preferences, and use Presets with Levels
midwinter beach, with vignette

Capture One Vignetting

With Capture One Vignetting you add a mood to an image