Capture One Pro 11.1 Review
Style Layer, SPRING Styles Pack, Resource Hub, Normalize tool and more

Capture One Pro 10.1 Review
Master Temporary Reset, Fuji X-Trans processing, Styles tool, more

Using LogicKeyboard for Capture One
A dedicated keyboard for Capture One enhances your workflow

Using Tangent with Capture One Pro
Work faster and create better results with Tangent input devices

DT Capture One Style Pack
The DT Capture One Style Pack is a set of styles for the professional photographer

Capture One Pro 9.2 Review
Capture One 9.2 improves on workflow, 4K/5K display handling, TIFF colors

Capture One Pro 9.1 Review
Capture One 9.1 improves on workflow and tethering, supports new cameras and lenses